Accidents In Shops & Supermarkets
Accidents in shops and supermarkets are often caused by:
Last updated on April 6th, 2018 at 02:06 pm
- Poorly maintained premises and fittings
- Obstructions
- Insufficient lighting
- Spillages and other debris on the floor
- Poorly maintained walking surfaces
- Badly fitted carpets or floor coverings
Whether you are in a supermarket or other shop, the occupier of those premises has a duty to take reasonable care to ensure that their premises are safe for members of the public to use. This includes keeping premises free from obstruction and safe for people to use.
If you have an accident in one of these types of premises and are injured through no fault of your own, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim if it can be shown that the shop was negligent.
What can I claim?
You may be able to claim:
- General damages: these cover physical pain and suffering, but can also include emotional pain such as depression which is a result of the injury.
- Special damages: these cover things such as loss of earnings and out of pocket expenses, including medical expenses.
The amount of compensation you’ll win will depend on the severity of your injuries and the extent of your losses.
How do I make a claim?
Contact our personal specialists now to discuss making a no win/no fee personal injury claim. We’ll guide you through the whole process and make sure that you receive the best compensation possible.